LJ LGJ LGJF 草莓视频在线观看免费观看铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线详细资料:
一、草莓视频在线观看免费观看铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线产品用途Application本产品适用于架空电力线路输送电能。This product is applicable to the aerial power distribution lines.二、草莓视频在线观看免费观看铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线产品表示方法 Expressed method of product1、代号Code 绞线stranded wire…………………………………………………………………………………………J铝导体aluminium conductor……………………………………………………………………………L钢芯steel core …………………………………………………………………………………………G防腐corrosion……………………………………………………………………………………………F2、产品表示方法 Expressed method of product示例:钢芯铝绞线,标称截面120mm2,钢20 mm2,表示为:LGJ -120/20 GB1179-83 Example: Aluminium conductors steel-reinforced, Nominal cross area120mm2,steel-reinforced20 mm2,see the following: LGJ -120/20 GB1179-833、草莓视频在线观看免费观看铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线产品结构示意图Pictures of products structure
三、草莓视频在线观看免费观看铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线产品型号、规格Types and specifications of products1、产品型号Type of product草莓视频在线观看免费观看铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线产品型号 Type of product
草莓视频在线观看免费观看铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线型 号Type | 草莓视频在线观看免费观看铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线名 称Name |
GB 1179-83 | GB 1179-1999 |
LJ | JL | 铝绞线Aluminium stranded conductors |
LGJ | JL/G1A、JL/G2AJL/G1B、JL/G2B、JL/G3A | 钢芯铝绞线Aluminium conductors steel-reinforced |
LGJF | JL/G1AF、JL/G2AF、JL/G3AF | 防腐钢芯铝绞线Corrosion proof aluminium conductors steel-reinforced |
2、产品规格Specification of product产品额定电压、导体标称截面和芯数Rated voltage, sectional area of conductor and the numbers of cores
草莓视频在线观看免费观看铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线型 号Type | 草莓视频在线观看免费观看铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线标称截面Nominal cross area mm2 |
GB 1179-83 | GB 1179-1999 |
LJ | JL | 16~800 |
LGJ | JL/G1A、JL/G2AJL/G1B、JL/G2BJL/G3A | 10/2~800/100 |
LGJF | JL/G1AFJL/G2AFJL/G3AF | 10/2~800/100 |